Call for Abstracts

Abstract Submissions
Please submit an abstract of not more than 250 words for either an oral presentation or the poster session. Full papers are not required at this stage, but for a paper to be considered eligible for the Statistics New Zealand, New Zealand Economic Policy, Stata, Seamus Hogan or the David Teece prizes, a full paper must be submitted by 10 June.
We encourage individuals to present their research in the poster session. Some research is particularly suited to the visual style of a poster presentation; the poster session can also be suitable for work in progress and speculative research. We particularly welcome student research in the poster session.
You are welcome to submit up to three papers. If we are only able to accept one of the submissions, we will contact you to ask which paper you prefer to present. This limit applies to the number of papers presented by any one person, and not to the number of papers on which he or she is a co-author.
Please note that presenters whose papers are accepted for an oral presentation or poster MUST REGISTER by 22 May 2024 in order to remain on the programme. After this date, the registration fee is non-refundable
2024 Conference important dates
Wednesday 28th February: Abstract submissions open
Wednesday 3rd April: Conference registration opens
Wednesday 10th April: Abstracts Due
By Monday 6th May: Notification of acceptances
Wednesday 22nd May: Registration deadline for presenters
Wednesday 29th May: Deadline for early-bird registration
Monday 10th June: Full papers due for entries to prizes
Wednesday 3rd July: Conference start
Thursday 4th July: Second day of Conference
Friday 5th July: Conference end