Programme | Day 3

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11:00 – 12:30
6.1 International Fiscal Policy
Room: RHLT1
Chair: James Graham
Instruments, Targets, and Trade-offs in an Open Economy: Old Wine in New Bottles
Alfred Guender - University of Canterbury
Effects of Quantitative Easing on Confidence: Evidence from Three Large Economies
Benjamin Baker - Reserve Bank Of New Zealand
Tax cuts, savings, and the housing boom
James Graham - University of Sydney
11:00 - 12:30
6.2 NZ Productivity Commission: Migration, Productivity and Income Dynamics
Room: RHLT2
Chair: Gail Pacheco
A descriptive analysis of income dynamics in New Zealand 2007 – 2020
Quy Ta - New Zealand Productivity Commission
Migrant selection and outcomes
Hilary Devine - New Zealand Productivity Commission/Treasury
Migration and Productivity
Philip Stevens - New Zealand Productivity Commission
11:00 – 12:30
6.3 Science & Perception
Room: RHLT3
Chair: Stephen Knowles
Do Negative Replications Affect Citations?
Bob Reed - University of Canterbury
Perception of generosity under matching and rebate subsidies
Stephen Knowles - University of Otago
11:00 – 12:30
6.4 Welfare & Unemployment
Room: RHMZ02
Chair: Nicholas Watson
Understanding the relationship between unemployment and benefit receipt
Alexandra Ferguson - Stats NZ
Welfare system reforms: addressing the cost-of-living crisis in New Zealand
Laszlo Szollosi-cira - University of Otago
Learning About Leave: Peer Influences in Maternal Leave Decisions
Nicholas Watson - Motu Economic & Public Policy Research
11:00 – 12:30
6.5 Big Data & Statistics
Room: RHMZ03/04
Chair: Nhung Nghiem
Age-Income Profiles in New Zealand: New Estimates based on Administrative Data
Nazila Alinaghi - Victoria University of Wellington
A MAP for the future of prices indexes at Stats NZ
Frances Krsinich - Stats NZ
Causal inference in big health data: implications for health economists and machine learning scientists
Nhung Nghiem - University of Otago
11:00 – 12:30
6.6 Skills, Wellbeing & Rights
Room: RHMZ05/06
Chair: Anne-Marie Brook
Earnings Effects from Proficiency and Use of Core Skills: A New Zealand Perspective
Thomson Jeffrey - Massey University
Wellbeing and productivity
Conal Smith - Kotata Insight
Human Rights and Sovereign ESG investing: the critical role of Economic and Social Rights
Anne-Marie Brook - Motu Economic & Public Policy Research