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Programme | Day 1


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 DAY 1   WED 29 JUNE 2022

 8:00 – 9:00 


 9:00 – 10:30 


Room: WG403


Warwick McKibbin

 10:30 – 11:00 

Morning Tea

 11:00 – 12:30 



10:30 – 12:30

 1.1   Labour: Time & Wage Shares

Room: WG403


Within-Firm Income Distribution: The Determinants and Impact of Labour Share

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Roya Taherifar - University of Waikato

Ambiguity and Labour Contracts under the New Normal

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Xinyan Zhang - University of Auckland

How policy and institutions affect the shares of wages, profit, and rent in New Zealand

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Bill Rosenberg - Institute for Governance and Policy Studies, Victoria University


10:30 – 12:00

 1.2   MBIE Themed Session

Room: RHLT2

Chair: Corey Allan

Who benefits from firm success? Heterogenous rent sharing in New Zealand

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Corey Allan - Ministry Of Business, Innovation And Employment

A first look at administrative hours data

Zaira Najam - Ministry Of Business, Innovation And Employment

Monopsony in the New Zealand labour market

Corey Allan - Ministry Of Business, Innovation And Employment

10:30 – 12:00

 1.3   Taxation & Labour

Room: RHLT3

Chair: Jack Gordon

Future directions for the Treasury’s TAWA microsimulation model

Patrick Nolan -  The Treasury

The Proximate Determinants of Differences in GDP per Worker across Some Major Cities in China

Benjamin Shen -  University of Auckland

Cross-Country Differences in Taxation and Hours Worked: An Updated Perspective with a New Zealand Focus

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Jack Gordon - Ministry Of Social Development


10:30 – 12:00

 1.4   Energy & Equality

Room: RHMZ02

Chair: Sandamali Wijayarathne

“Snug, Warm, Cozy, Dry”: Assessing the contribution of a clean heat programme to householders’ wellbeing

Arthur Grimes - Motu Economic & Public Policy Research

Achieving a Timely, Efficient, Equitable and Orderly Transition to Net-Zero Emissions for Transport and Heating

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Richard Meade - Cognitus Economic Insight & AUT

Remittances, Income Inequality and Energy Poverty in Sri Lanka: An Instrumental Variable Approach

Sandamali Wijayarathne - University of Waikato


10:30 – 12:00

 1.5   Agriculture

Room: RHMZ03/04

Chair: Khoa Trinh

Psychological price barriers, El Niño, La Niña: New insights for the case of coffee

Mark Holmes - University of Waikato

Varietal Switching – An Adaptation Strategy to Climate Change

Amogh Prakasha Kumar - University of Canterbury

Is credit a miracle for poverty alleviation in developing countries? Empirical evidence from Vietnam

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Khoa A. Trịnh - University of Otago

 12:00 – 13:30 

Lunch and Poster Session

 12:00 – 13:30 

 POSTER SESSION   Room: Mezzanine / Catering area

Strategic philanthropy

Vicky Barham - University of Ottawa

Precision dispensation of methane inhibitors in-paddock for pasture-based dairy: potential adoption levels and key determinants

Ben Marmont - DairyNZ, University of Waikato

Past drought experience, drought risk perception, and climate adaptation policies by farmers in New Zealand

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Mui Nguyen - Victoria University of Wellington

The Proximate Determinants of Differences in GDP per Worker across Some Major Cities in China

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Benjamin Shen - University of Auckland

The impacts of COVID-19 on earnings trajectories and New Zealand's underutilised workforce

Alexandra Turcu - AUT/NZ Work Research Institute

 13:30 – 15:00 



13:30 – 15:00

 2.1   New Zealand Fiscal Policy

Room: RHLT1

Chair: Andrew Binning

Macroeconomic Policy for A Modern New Zealand Economy: Theory and Empirics from the post-1984 Era

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Morgan Edwards - University of Otago

New Zealand’s lauded fiscal legislation: has it reduced fiscal uncertainty?

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Michael Ryan - University of Waikato

Calculating Fiscal Multipliers in New Zealand Using an Estimated DSGE Model

Andrew Binning - The Treasury


13:30 – 15:00

 2.2   Climate Change & Carbon Risk

Room: RHLT2

Chair: Niven Winchester

A laboratory test of free-riding in Pledge-and-Review

Henry Russell - New Zealand Treasury

The Climate PoLicy ANalysis (C-PLAN) Model, Version 1.0

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Niven Winchester - Auckland University of Technology


13:30 – 15:00

 2.3   Treasury Themed Session

Room: RHLT3

Chair: Tim Hughes

Trends in indicators of wellbeing, 2000-2020

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Tim Hughes - The Treasury

Wellbeing in New Zealand: A Population Segmentation Analysis

Hien Nguyen - The Treasury

Understanding child poverty measurement in New Zealand using a clustering approach

Meghan Stephens - The Treasury

Households Distributional Impacts of NZ Emission Trading Scheme Carbon Prices

Cory Davis - The Treasury


13:30 – 15:00

 2.4   Labour: Worker Skills

Room: RHMZ02

Chair: Alexander Plum

Worker Skill Composition, Competition and Innovation

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Yeirae Rho - University of Auckland

The AI Revolution with 21st Century Skills: Implications for Wage Inequality and Technical Change

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Rachael Grant - Reserve Bank Of New Zealand

Skills, Economic Crises and the Labour Market

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Alexander Plum - AUT/NZ Work Research Institute

13:30 – 15:00

 2.5   Gender & Income

Room: RHMZ03/04

Chair: Livvy Mitchell

Gendered parenting and the intergenerational transmission of gender stereotypes: Evidence from the GUINZ survey

Livvy Mitchell - Auckland University of Technology

Measuring and Decomposing the Income Mobility of Individuals in New Zealand: Evidence from Administrative Data

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Nazila Alinaghi - Victoria University of Wellington

Two sides of the shakes – gender differentiated income outcomes of the Canterbury Earthquakes

Timothy Wilson - Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington


13:30 – 15:00

 2.6   Migrant Workers

Room: RHMZ05/06

Chair: Linda Tran

Migration, Remittances and Cooking Fuel Usage in Sri Lanka: The Mediating Role of Household Wealth

Sandamali Wijayarathne - University of Waikato

Missing migrants: Border closures as a labor supply shock

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Lynda Sanderson - New Zealand Productivity Commission

The Pacific workforce and the impact of COVID-19

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Linda Tran - Auckland University of Technology


 15:00 – 15:30 

Afternoon Tea

 15:30 – 17:00 


15:30 – 17:00

 3.1   AERU Themed Session

Room: RHLT1

Chair: Caroline Saunders

60th Anniversary of the AERU; Research to enhance New Zealand's wellbeing

Caroline Saunders - Lincoln University

Science, Knowledge, Mātauranga and Wellbeing

Paul Dalziel - AERU, Lincoln University

The AERU – new directions in climate change research

Anita Wreford - Lincoln University


15:30 - 17:00

 3.2   Urban Planning & Infrastructure

Room: RHLT3

Chair: Stuart Donovan

A new ‘Henry George Theorem’ for NZ’s urban policy needs

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Chris Parker - The Treasury

Investment gap or efficiency gap? Infrastructure investment costs in New Zealand

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Peter Nunns - NZ Infrastructure Commission

Cities with forking paths? Agglomeration economies in New Zealand 1976-2018

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Stuart Donovan - Veitch Lister Consulting


15:30 - 17:00

 3.3   Household Expenditure

Room: RHMZ02

Chair: Yvonne Wang

An Economic Security Index for New Zealand: A Descriptive Analysis

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Dawnelle Clyne - University of Auckland

Searching for the Hidden Poor: An Expenditure-based Approach to Measuring Child Poverty in New Zealand

Yvonne Wang - The Treasury

Associations between household expenditures and long-term conditions using administrative data with combined machine learning models

Nhung Nghiem - University of Otago

15:30 - 17:00

 3.4   Transport & Tourism

Room: RHMZ03/04

Chair: Sophie Zhang

Forecasting tourist arrivals using Bayesian Structural Time Series

Sean Kimpton, Antony Andrews - Auckland University of Technology

Feasibility Analysis of Diesel-Hybrid Trucks in New Zealand

Mingyue Selena Sheng - The University of Auckland

The effect of predatory pricing in the American airline market on consumer surplus

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Sophie Zhang - Auckland University of Technology


15:30 - 17:00

 3.5   Digital Platforms & Social Media

Room: RHMZ05/06

Chair: Kambiz Borna

Privacy on a platform

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Danny Kwon - University of Auckland

Social Media and the Evolution of Vaccine Preferences During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Robbie Maris - The University of Waikato

Representation of Financial Time Series Data in a Virtual Geographic Environment

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Kambiz Borna - Unitec Institute of Technology


 17:30 - 18:30 

 Welcome Function   Venue: Victoria University of Wellington (Conference Venue)

hosted by the Agribusiness and Economics Research Unit – Lincoln University

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